Men's Emmaus Retreat

November 15-17, 2024

St. Leo Abbey

The Men's Emmaus Retreat will be held at St. Leo Abbey next to Lake Jovita in Pasco County.

The cost is $150* for a shared room and $200 for a single room (cost includes room, board and program). Transportation is provided.
*Scholarships are available for those in need.

More information on the retreat venue can be found here:

Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us? Luke 24:32

Women's Emmaus Retreat

Coming in 2025

Franciscan Center

The Women's Emmaus Retreat sponsored by the Church of the Resurrection is held at the Franciscan Center located on the Hillsborough River in Tampa.


More information on the retreat venue can be found here:

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