Cross with Emmaus Symbols
Journey to Emmaus
Join Us for the Next Retreat


The Emmaus retreat is based on the scripture passage found in Luke 24:13-35 where two disciples encounter Jesus on the road to Emmaus. It is a retreat by and for laypersons in our parish community. Laypersons, like you, will share their stories of how the grace of God has changed their lives. Women and men attend separate retreats. Two disciples met Jesus on the road to Emmaus; this retreat is a time for you to encounter Jesus Christ.

Very early the next morning before daylight, Jesus got up and went to a place where he could be alone and pray. Mark 1:35

Jesus models the importance and need for prayer and solitude – the need for rest and renewal. The Emmaus retreat provides time away from your normal routine, with time for silent and communal prayer in a peaceful, natural environment. It is an opportunity to open your heart and listen to God.

Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us? Luke 24:32

The retreat can allow you to take the next step on the road to a deeper relationship with God. It’s an opportunity to walk with others in the presence of the Risen Lord. It’s a time for spiritual and personal growth – to learn more about how God’s grace is present in prayer, scripture, the sacraments, service and Christian fellowship.

Just for You

At your retreat, all meals and snacks/drinks will be provided, but you will be asked to let the retreat team know about any special dietary restrictions or medical needs. This retreat is for you to focus on Christ, while we have the privilege to serve you. We invite you to come walk the Road to Emmaus with us, encountering the risen Christ along the way.

Retreat Venues

The Men's Emmaus retreat is held at St. Leo Abbey next to Lake Jovita in Pasco County. More information on this retreat venue can be found here:

St. Leo Retreat Center

The Women's Emmaus retreat sponsored by the Church of the Resurrection is held at the Franciscan Center located on the Hillsborough River in Tampa. More information on this retreat venue can be found here:

Franciscan Center